Public Records Request

Under state and federal law, certain entities and/or individuals are granted access to certain records held by Klickitat County as a matter of right.

Patients who receive medical treatment from Klickitat County EMS District #1, emergency services department EMTs or Paramedics are authorized to receive unredacted copies of their protected health information upon proof of identity and signature of a consent form.

Public disclosure requests should be sent directly to the Chief of EMS Operations. If you have any questions about where or how to send your request, or you have questions about the process – please call our Chief of EMS Operations:

To download a PDF version of the Public Records & Medical Records Request Form, please click here.

You may return the completed form in one of the following ways:

By email at:

By phone at: 509.773.1026

Or by mail at:

Will Harryman

Chief of EMS Operations

Klickitat County Ambulance

PO Box 1674, Goldendale WA 98620

Please Contact Us and write “Public Record Request” in the subject box.